All students and academics are at some point required to venture into the area of academic writing. For some, especially ESL (English as Second Language) learners, this can often be an overwhelming, nail biting experience. Your completed assignment will need to be coherent, structured, well formatted and free of plagiarism.
Our experienced editors will assist you to improve the style, clarity and tone of your writing, ensuring that your ideas are clearly defined and communicated. We will correct any errors, highlight potential issues in your content and provide suggestions on how to improve it. Our editors possess experience in a vast range of fields and you are reassured that, regardless of whether your scope of work is in the humanities, sciences or social sciences, your assignment will be of the highest academic standard.
What will you receive?
- An edited manuscript free of plagiarism and spelling, grammatical and formatting errors
- Changes and suggestions to help improve the clarity, sentence flow, content structure and readability of your document
- Tracked revisions for you to review all changes that have been made
- Formatting of citations and references as per your specific guidelines
- Comments to highlight issues and suggestions and solutions on how to resolve them
- A brief summary of the work that has been done on your manuscript
Our academic editing service covers:
- Essays
- Papers
- Theses
- Assignments
- Journal articles
- Research projects
- Brevia
- Conference proceedings, posters and presentations
Upload and download of content to and from our platform is safe and securely encrypted and your personal information is kept strictly private. We accept most major file types. At ProofreadingService.NET, we edit all forms of academic documents and we have more than 20 years of experience at the top of the industry. We’ve made ordering simple. Just get an instant quote below so that you can place your order today!
Why choose us?
- We have a number of professional PhD qualified academic proofreaders reviewing your work
- Our editors and proofreaders are available 24/7, 365 days of the year
- We provide expert guidance to improve and polish your academic writing
- Our Special Urgent Service meets your tightest deadlines
- We offer the best possible proofreading quality at the lowest possible rates
- Clear quotations and pricing structures, no hidden costs and extras
- Our services are trusted and recommended by university professors, lecturers & tutors